Finaste fina Ebba…

It´s seems like it´s a long time until we reach 2030. But it´s only 17 years from now. And when we reach that year, the last baby with Down syndrome will be born in Denmark
9 years ago, Denmark accepted the fact that when your baby still is unborn, you can see if he or she are going to have Down Syndrome. Since that year, 2004, the birth of babies with Down Syndrome has reduced with 13% every year in Denmark. It means that if this is going to continue, no baby will be born with Down syndrome in Denmark after 2030. And all these things that happens in Denmark right now has started here in Sweden too!
So my question to you is: Is it right to abort a child just because the baby has got an extra chromosome?
Firstly I wonder why people think this little extra chromosome is so dangerous? Why is so many people afraid of getting a child with 47 chromosomes instead of 46, as most of us have? It´s not a monster in it, which is easy to believe if you look at the reaction of some people when they know that their child has got Down syndrome. But I can tell all of you that it´s not a monster hided in there, definitely not! I think their fear is caused by ignorance about Down syndrome. They believe that all the prejudices are true, and maybe they are afraid of how the society will meet their child.So can we all please promise each other that we won´t judge someone by what we believe are true, before we truly know something is true?
Secondly I wonder; is it ok to abort a baby just because he or she has got Down syndrome when it´s not ok to abort a boy if you want a girl, and the other way round? It´s not morally right to choose which gender you want, but is it morally right to have the opportunity to choose if you will have a baby with 47 chromosomes or not? I don´t know what you are thinking about this but I know what I think.
So what´s next? Would you be able to choose if you want a girl or a boy? Or choose if you want blue or brown eyes for your baby? I mean, where does it end? If you in the future are able to make all these choices, what kind of world would that lead to? A world where everything has to be perfect? What is perfect anyway? I think that what is perfect is in the viewer´s eyes…
Do we really want an elitist society? What is wrong by being a bit different? And what is different anyway? I think that also what is different is in the viewer´s eyes….
Why don´t people see that we need all kind of peoples if our society is going to develop?
Finally, we can´t remove all disabilities in our society, it´s not even possible. We can´t find disabilities like, for example, ADHD when your baby is unborn. Even if people choose to abort children with Down Syndrome we´re still going to have people with different kinds of disabilities in our world. People might think that they exterminate Down Syndrome as a diagnosis by abort babies with 47 chromosomes, but that´s not true. They exterminate people with Down Syndrome and I think it is a huge difference.
2004, the same year as Denmark allowed controls of prenatal diagnosis I got a wonderful little sister, who is born with Down Syndrome. It came as a surprise to us when she was born and the fact that she has got one extra chromosome changed our lives a bit, but she changed it in a good way and I don´t want her to be different at all.So I still ask myself the same question; is it right to abort a child just because the baby has an extra chromosome?
Jag upptäckte att min kommentar från igår inte fastnade (om den inte valde att hamna i skräpkorgen, så kan ju var fallet…) Hur som helst ville jag bara säga att det var en fantastiskt fin redovisning av storasyster!
Jag hittade din blogg via en annan blogg, "Alla dessa funderingar", när jag bara "flummade runt" lite bland bloggutbudet, och jag blev fast här hos dig, och nu blir du nog inte av med mig…
Återigen berörs jag till tårar. Förstår av min egna dotter som går i Ebbas klass hur stolt hon är över sin underbara lillasyster och hur hon står upp för henne.
Du måste vara oerhört stolt över henne
Fantastisk storasyster! Ja, det är nog syskon mfl. som förhoppningsvis styr upp det hör en aning! Hälsa henne att hon är fantastisk!
Underbara, fina Ebba. Jag kommer ihåg när Ebba i år 7 höll ett mycket gripande muntligt framträdande om barn med Downs och om sin lillasyster Lilla H! Nu har hon gjort det igen! På engelska! <3!
Precis! Omättligt stolt är hon! (och jag över henne).I nian skrev hon sitt nationella prov om lilla H, i ettan på gymnasiet gjorde hon både det skriftliga och muntliga nationella provet om lilla H, och nu detta… <3<3<3 OCH, som du säger; på engelska <3